We understand that searching for a phone number can be trying. The recipient must first click on the link provided to find out where a phone number is located. The good news is that 71% of people chose to click on the link. Even better - 37.5% of those who clicked shared their whereabouts! Why not make it easier and take advantage of this incredible opportunity?
To help you get the best results, here are a few tips to try:
Tip 1:Make the most of your subscription by trying unlimited searches using your own number.
Tip 2:We recommend limiting your location requests to one request every three hours per number.
Tip 3:Use an attractive and eye-catching message - you can choose from a predetermined list or create your own unique message for even better results.
Tip 4:Try a custom message, such as “Hey Maria, here’s a coupon code for 15% off your next movie ticket purchase!”
Tip 5:If you don’t get the desired response from your first message, don’t give up!